
Obsessions and Compulsions – Perhaps you find yourself ruminating on certain thoughts over and over, and you can’t let it go. Maybe you find yourself repeating certain behaviors ritualistically because it makes you feel better. You tend to feel highly anxious, and may begin to be depressed because of the time these rituals are taking in your day.

If so, holistic counseling offers:

  • Behavioral therapies like exposure and response prevention, as well as skills training to help you recognize the extent of anxiety associated with various situations, and support you as conquer increasingly fearful challenges
  • Cognitive therapies that help you challenge beliefs that may no longer serve you
  • Bioenergetic and movement therapies that have been found to help balance out the body’s neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin) without the use of medication
  • Nutrition that helps you decrease feelings of anxiety within the body
  • Somatic and spiritual therapies, which help you see how your outer attachment to certain thoughts and behaviors may reflect deeper difficulties at a spiritual level

Call me today at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more.              

Mood Swings/Bipolar

Mood Swings/Bipolar – If you experience moods that fluctuate from feeling really low to really high, you may be experiencing bipolar mood shifts. Some people bounce from depression to high irritation or anger. Others may feel extreme impulsivity or a mania that feels like being in fast motion.

If this sounds like you, you may first want your physician to rule out the following:

  • A medical condition may be creating these symptoms
  • Certain types of eating and digestive patterns, nutritional deficiencies and food allergies can actually lead to symptoms such as depression, irritability, anger and anxiety

Holistic ways of treating this condition without medication include:

  • Bioenergetic methods may particularly helpful for insufficient movement and circulation that can lead to depression-like fatigue and biochemical imbalance (e.g. norepinephrine)
  • Training in mind-body relaxation strategies, including yoga, biofeedback and mindfulness meditation
  • Psychoeducation and behavioral therapies can help you retrain your brain, which rehardwires itself continuously (i.e. brain plasticity) to meet the demands placed upon it
  • When needed, cognitive-behavioral therapies help you realistically assess others’ motivations/behaviors, and choose more useful social/behavioral responses
  • Nutritional support

Call me today at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more.


You may feel fearful about the future in many aspects of your life. Some people dread being in social situations. Others may experience intense reactions to places or things. Your heartbeat begins to race. Your palms may get sweaty. Breathing can become difficult. Your body�s responses rage out of control and you suddenly feel limp. These are the varied faces of fear, anxiety, panic and phobia.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to uncertainty and danger. But when it begins to happen too frequently, take over your life or weaken your health, it is time to seek help from a professional. Holistic counseling can help you sort out your symptoms and heal the root causes of your anxiety. For instance:


  • Signs of hypoglycemia include nervousness, sweating, palpitations, irritability, decreased concentration or mental confusion. We may want to see how your diet is worsening your symptoms and mimicking anxiety.
  • Movement or exercise can help by balancing out the body’s oversupply of energy and stress hormones.
  • Guided imagery, meditation, yoga, biofeedback and other mind-body relaxation strategies can often be as effective as anti-anxiety medication.
  • As you learn how your thoughts and the meaning you attach to events are creating this mind-body physical reaction, you will feel increasingly empowered to prevent anxiety reactions from occurring.
  • Bioenergetic techniques can help you unblock energy from areas in your body that tend to hold fear and panic responses. It’s similar to resetting a biological clock.

Call me today at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more!


Depression – Longing to sleep all day? Struggling to get up and face another day? Not sure why you are crying so much? Have your eating habits changed? Do you feel little energy or motivation?

Depression can take many forms. Some people have felt gloomy their entire life and don’t know why. Others have noticed more recently that they just can’t shake the sadness, and are beginning to feel hopeless that things will ever get better. Perhaps they wonder if the world would be better off without them.

Holistic counseling can help you do more than reduce your symptoms. Together, we can help you heal your depression.

  • A medical condition may be creating these symptoms
  • Nutritional therapies can improve certain types of eating and digestive patterns, nutritional deficiencies (e.g. Omega-3 fatty acids) and food allergies that can actually lead to many of the same symptoms as depression
  • Bioenergetic exercises can improve movement and circulation, which appear to increase endorphins (feel-good hormones), energy levels and motivation, as well as rebalance other chemicals like norepinephrine and serotonin
  • Light and other energy-based therapies can improve depression associated with seasonal changes, weather patterns and geomagnetic stress from fluctuations in the earth’s rhythms
  • The inability to relax may lead the body to feel chronically drained, for which mind-body relaxation or meditation strategies are especially useful

In addition, we will explore through our work together what’s been going on for you in your life. My experience has been that when we feel extreme sadness, it could be that we’re depressed, or we may be grieving a loss. Depression can result from self-defeating thought patterns, or from having given away our personal power to others. We feel powerless to live the life that authentically brings us joy. If we bounce from depression or really low energy to extremely high energy, we may be in need of balancing, rather than simply medicating ourselves for “bipolar” disorder. Perhaps we feel our depression switch rapidly to rage, angry with ourselves for letting our lives slip away.

Whichever way your feelings are coming up for you, your sense of well-being can be restored. To learn more, call me at 303.547.8327 and schedule a free initial 30-minute consultation.

Severe Depression: If you are feeling suicidal or homicidal, please call 911 for immediate medical care since I do not provide emergency services. I provide only outpatient level of care. I do send you special blessings for healing and love. Know that sometimes we do need the blessing of medicine, hospitalization or residential treatment during critical moments.  

Life Coach for Grief and Loss

If you are looking for a life coach for grief and loss, I can help.

There are many tragedies today that lead us to the time when we grieve for loved ones who are sick, dying or who have passed on. We also grieve for ourselves, our loss of health, love, youthfulness, income and stability. Perhaps for the loss of what might have been. Though we may grieve in different ways and for diverse reasons, the pain we feel is deep and may prevent us from functioning in other areas of our lives. The typical stages we go through when we are grieving include:

  • Denial or a sense of numbness that helps us get through the initial shock of our loss
  • Bargaining or persistent thoughts about what we could have done differently or better
  • Guilt or feelings of remorse
  • Depression, extreme loneliness or feeling sorry for ourselves
  • Anger due to feeling abandoned or powerless
  • Acceptance of the loss you have experienced and the beginning of healing

Grief counseling can support you as you express your loss, move through these various stages of pain, and say things you may not be able to say to family or friends. Crying and journaling can help you express emotions fully in healthy ways, so that you do not resort to the use of alcohol or other substances to repress them. Movement and bioenergetic methods can be used to help dislodge the trauma that gets stuck in your tissues and can cause physical pain. Call me at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more.


Insomnia – Over time, not getting the right kind of refreshing sleep can result in mental and emotional imbalances. But it can also work the other way, for instance, when anxiety, fears, and traumas keep you awake at night. Together, we can help you discover what is at the root of your sleeping difficulties and come up with a plan that feels right for you. After ruling out medical conditions that cause insomnia, there are many intervention strategies you can use as an alternative to medication. I can assist you with:

  • Stress reduction and relaxation techniques
  • Environments and routines that promote faster and deeper sleep
  • Changing behaviors that affect the brain’s ability to wind down
  • Foods to choose and to avoid
  • Additional complementary methods to consider

Call me today at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn even more!

Chronic Stress

Living with chronic stress is the way of our times. Hectic schedules, high expectations to do more in less time, messages that we are supposed to be perfect and please others, job performance anxiety, apprehension over being laid off, worries about paying the bills, fear for the safety of those we love, concern that others will criticize and laugh at us when they find out we’re “not good enough”…these are the daily stressors that we live with, and they pile up over time. Pushed beyond our limits, we still don’t find time to relax and enjoy ourselves. We develop aches and pains, and the next thing we hear is that we have a medical condition that requires extensive treatment. Coping with chronic pain and the stress of multiple doctors telling us we need one more drug or one more surgery is often more than we can bear. This does not have to be.

Through cognitive-behavioral methods, biofeedback, mindfulness and relaxation strategies, stress-reduction and other holistic approaches, learn how to:

  • Bring yourself into a state of relaxation
  • Reduce existing pain and stress levels
  • Discover the root issue that for you created this exhausting way of life in the first place
  • See things from a fresh perspective
  • Change your mental and emotional  reactions to stressful situations
  • Use movement/exercise to release natural endorphins
  • Support your body’s ability to relax using food and nutrition

You will receive all the support you need as you create a new way of being that feels not only realistic to implement, but also authentic, balanced and energized.

Call me today at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more!


Feeling value and meaning in our lives is one of the most fundamental issues of our times. All people have felt incompetent, alone, lost, and without direction at some point in their lives. Many resort to the use of alcohol or drugs to deal with that pain. Most people try to ignore those deep-seeded feelings of inferiority, doubt, emptiness, abandonment, isolation, fear or nothingness that hurt so badly, and go on leading the same lives without questioning. But you don’t have to. There is a way to reconnect with your inner essence that inspires, creates, and lives fully with purpose and clarity. Holistic counseling can help you recognize your strengths, celebrate your achievements, and love who you are.

Call me at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more!

Your Connection to God

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In this chaotic world, it is easy to lose the feeling of connection with God, Creator, the Great Mystery, or whatever name you give to that which really is beyond all name or label.

You begin to look outside of yourself, and what you see can be horrifying. Unloving acts of terror. Regular assaults on the environment and Mother Earth. Bosses who treat you like a slave. Companies which routinely take your money, and don’t deliver what they say you are paying for. Drivers who cut you off, or won’t let you merge into their lane. People who are rude to you, and don’t seem to care at all.

How can you feel connected to God, when you are trapped in this nightmare?

First of all, consider that it is indeed a nightmare, one that you can wake up from. Look inside you. There you will find your connection to God. Inside you is a subtle energy power. It may look like space, like nothing at all, but you will be in awe of its power. Physicists have even confirmed that within 1/5 teaspoon of space lies more power than in all the material known universe combined.

Within this space is beingness. And this beingness is God.

You are connected to God in ways you may have never imagined, if you generally think of God as a fatherly being who resides outside of you.

But even Jesus taught, through metaphor and parables, about the many forms of God: God as light, God as love, God as Father/Creator, God as Son, and God as Holy Spirit.

Consider that you are one in being with the Father/Creator. That this beingness flows through you, is felt as a subtle energy presence, and is what is described as Holy Spirit.

Imagine Father/Creator energy as Spirit taking shape as material form. Then all forms are one in being with the Father, for they are God at their Source. At your source, you too are one in being with the Father. Your soul is a cell in the body of God.

A marriage takes place between Spirit energy and material form, giving birth to the Son, Love energy itself. Love is a fundamental field of energy. The unifying force of Spirit and matter, which swirls us all together as one being.

This unified field is called by us the field of consciousness as a whole. It is Christ Consciousness itself, which Jesus came to radiate into the world. It is the primary field which serves as a template or blueprint for forms to materialize, as they transform from one form of energy to another, from torsional fields of superluminal light to the slower light electromagnetic bodies we usually think we are.

Through this transformative process of creation, as you are birthed into the individual soul consciousness that you are, first you are Love, Consciousness itself, then you take shape as you.

Re-turn to this connection that you inherently have with God. You are one in being with God, birthed as love, light, pure consciousness at your core, and clothed as a son or daughter of God.

The feeling of subtle energy presence, the awareness of the Holy Spirit, courses through your veins as a reminder of who you are. An interconnected part in the Whole of All That Is that we name God.

Be true to who you are. When you do, you radiate love to all who surround you, serving as a cell in the body of Christ consciousness, which is Love. From this state of your highest consciousness, you are in touch with God consciously; you register, through your intuition, your highest purpose for being here now; and you know what you are called to create through the love that you are.

Higher Consciousness

the pleiades star cluster 11637 1920

the pleiades star cluster 11637 1920

What is meant by “higher consciousness” anyway?

The field of quantum physics has brought to humanity a new understanding of an invisible world of energy vibration and a fundamental field we experience as consciousness. And though the specifics are still being debated within the field itself, let alone outside by the rest of us, we do know enough to enjoy greater insight into what is meant by “higher consciousness”.

Let me explain consciousness in terms of an array of faster/higher and slower/lower energy frequency vibrations, and the information they carry.

The invisible world of energy is a world where separation, or distinction among fields and forms of energy, is based upon frequency or speed of vibration. Einstein’s famous equation of E=MC 2 tells us that energy takes shape as matter, or matter sheds its form and appears as energy, depending upon the speed of its light.

Most related to matter, electromagnetism is a tiny spectrum of slower frequency light (a photon is a single unit of light), which corresponds to the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet color informational bandwidths. This is the range of energy vibration that gives us our perceptions of time and space, and material objects.

But there is much more energy than meets the eye!

Recently, scientists have been able to name and categorize a type of energy that disobeys the electromagnetic laws of time and space: torsion fields. Torsion seems to involve fields of energy vibration so fast that they take no time or space at all to travel. At this superluminal level of vibration, all is interconnected as one synchronized field. When one part of this unified field is effected, the entire field is so effected. At torsion levels of higher vibration, information is continuously and immediately shared among all that is.

With information apparently an inherent aspect of its power, energy seems to be highly intelligent by its very nature. Thus, I have come to very simply define consciousness as a matrix of energy carrying information. (Since the varying fields of energy differ in the type of information they carry, consciousness itself is differentiated by the quantity and quality of information it contains.)

Quantum physicists are now saying that it is the field of consciousness that is our primary and fundamental level of existence, and it is consciousness as a field that serves as the blueprint field for material reality.

Higher consciousness literally refers to fields of consciousness involving faster and higher frequency fields of energy, such as torsion, and therefore higher states of informational awareness and experiential beingness. And, scientifically, torsion fields have been correlated with peak states, intuitive or direct knowing, extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, precognition, remote viewing, long distance energy healing, and other types of “magical” or psychic phenomena that involve nonlocal and synchronized sharing of information.

While peak states do vary (because each individual represents a unique fingerprint of energy we refer to as the soul), states of higher consciousness have in common the sense of oneness, interconnectedness, and love that is incomprehensible to those who have not experienced them consciously.

People, who live from such states of higher consciousness, are recognized by the information they bring to all of us and the higher values by which they live their lives. Their values shift because their perceptual field has shifted, and they can no longer see separation as those who are still living from lower, slower, more electromagnetic fields of energy and awareness. Their message to us:  that we should love all forms of life inclusively and unconditionally because all is one in being, that we are love itself, and that all we really need to do is to be the loving higher consciousness that we are at our core.