A Few Influential Books from Leading-Edge Scientists and Pioneers

Quantum Ideas for Lay Readers
The Fabric of the Cosmos, Brian Greene
Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, Lee Smolin
A Question of Physics: Conversations in Physics and Biology, conducted by Paul Buckley and F. David Peat
Physics of the Soul, Amit Goswami
Science of Human Biofield & Psi Phenomena
Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, Shamini Jain
Life Force: The Scientific Basis, Claude Swanson
Real Magic, Dean Radin
Entangled Minds, Dean Radin
The Secret Science of the Soul, Charles T. Tart
Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, James L. Oschman
Science of the Soul, the Afterlife, and the Shift, Claude Swanson
Infinite Mind, Valerie V. Hunt
Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness, William A. Tiller
Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics, William A. Tiller, Walter E. Dibble Jr., Michael J. Kohane
Near-Death Experiences
A Ranking of Top 100 Books on NDEs: Near-Death Experiences