How Easy? Only 3 Steps to Start Coaching

Schedule your free 30-minute initial call. Text or call Valerie at 303-547-8327. Or message Valerie your name, cell phone number, email address, and some dates/times you can meet on Zoom for an initial call. Valerie will email you the link to click to start the free Zoom call at our scheduled time.
On this call, Valerie will help you determine which kind of coaching or counseling may be right for you. Valerie will ask generally about YOUR goals, answer your questions, and share some specific ideas about how to move forward.
Pay for the coaching package that best matches your goals. When you've decided to work with Valerie, she will then email you a short Client Information Sheet.
Email back the completed Client Information Sheet, and then schedule your first session.
It's that simple! Why prolong the pain of waiting even decades for a happier you?