Evidence That Consciousness Survives Death

Dr. Sam Parnia, Director of Resuscitation Research at NYU’s Langone Medical Center has studied over 2000 patients who had to be resuscitated. Their heart stopped beating. They were declared clinically dead “for tens of minutes to hours after”. And they eventually came back to life. Of these, 40% were documented as being aware of what was happening during the time they were officially, medically dead. And 10% recalled a deeply mystical experience, seeing heavenly realms of light and peace, spiritual beings and deceased loved ones. He explained that it is likely that the ones who did not recall mystical experiences didn’t because of the medical treatments they were subjected to. What he feels convinced of is that consciousness is able to continue despite the death of the physical body. Self and mind are not gone after we die.

On Transformation Talk Radio

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Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC is a holistic psychotherapist and author of the newly released book, Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness. After an initial career in the environmental engineering field, and much prompting from the Universe, Valerie obtained her master’s degree in counseling psychology, worked traditionally for several years, and then went into private practice in 2006. Finally synthesizing her love of quantum physics, psychology and ancient wisdom, she has come to specialize in helping spiritually awakened people embrace their transpersonal and quantum worldview; cope with their, often unexpected, holotropic states of consciousness; and pursue their spiritual visions for a more conscious society.