Multidimensional Reality & Nonlocal Mind: Space, Time, and Beyond with Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Part 1
Join Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC as she discusses in this multi-part series, The Nature of Reality and Quantum Consciousness. My guest is quantum physicist Anirban Bandyopadhyay. Here in Part 1, you will hear him address the question as to how he sees the “multidimensional” aspect of our quantum reality, since experiencers commonly use the term when describing their experiences of higher consciousness. Anirban rejects the traditional view of spacetime, that time could be derived from space only. He believes time could be fundamental, that, like we have 3 dimensions of space, we could have 3 dimensions of time. While Western science sees time as linear, as past, present, future, he shares how time could be nonlinear also, such as when Einstein showed how light can bend and time go slower or faster, depending on gravity and mass. In India, Hinduism and Ayurvedic science, time is like a cycle. Picture nested spirals. We have new skin in 11 days, new blood in 3 months, new kidney in 17 months, new bone in 8 years, such that every part of our body is moving in this cycle, in the 3D architecture of a clock. He says it is essential that Western science see time as a cycle, and also, accept “undefinedness” or singularity. Not everything can be “defined” or limited, like reality or consciousness. Scientific facts are illusion; they survive in a shorter time, but become untrue and imperfect in the longer time. It is impossible to make something “absolutely” true. This belief in absolute fact forces us to believe in very certain ways. Because of this belief, Western scientists do not have the capability to understand or the mentality to even appreciate different views. They are trained religiously to believe in certain premises. Anything other than that, is considered “nonscientific” and “charlatan”. So we have to change, and see time as “nearly to the circular” path, like a loop. And we have to realize that undefinedness, or singularity is not zero. It is a situation where it is impossible to define the values, where it is not, for example, dark or light, it is rather a shady part where it is both dark and light. That part contains much more information. And we have singularities at certain points in time. And these are transitions from the fixed state. So like a spiritual awakening, it is a spiritual transition from the fixed state. So what happened is like time spheres glued together, where a smaller ball has a shorter, faster time period, and a bigger ball has slower time. So we see 3 dimensions of space, but the 4th, 5th 6th dimensions are of time. When many clock architectures come together, then the singularities, the undefinedness in the universe are all connected. Some see quantum as weird, but Anirban sees it as magical. Quantum and even beyond quantum. While the body is at a particular place in space, mind is many places simultaneously. That becomes the natural order. We are observing and experiencing as part of different loops. Observation is the only reality where there is no reality. Every “thing” is Maya. All is perception, perception up to infinity when you cannot have experience at any point in time that could be considered absolute. We cannot have an absolute sensor in science. We can only observe a particular set of data, and cannot take that as fact, or nature. So, here we have 3 dimensions of space, 3 dimensions of time, a total of 6 dimensions is our physical reality. Then 7th, 8th, 9th dimension is geometric shape, pure geometric transition. After the 9th dimension, we have to go to primes. All over the brainbody system, you see primes. Microtubules with 13 protofilaments. Spinal cord with 31 channels. Cerebellum where all the synchronization for body movement happens, 19 different cavities. And horizontal and vertical arrays of neural networks, crossing with each other to keep the time, the rhythm. And so if we want to understand the whole brain, we can consider a few prime numbers. Prime numbers could be the fundamental code of the universe. And when they are multiplying with each other, they are creating. After years of looking at the vibrational frequencies, we discovered that prime number of frequencies can come together, vibrate and link. In the frequency or temporal space they can link and build structure. So when we think of multidimensional we should go to one higher, and that should be the practice of referring to dimensions, not just the geometric shape arrangement. Anirban says in string theory or in quantum mechanics, we will introduce one concept of dimension and will follow it and make it increasingly complex, and it will become increasingly higher dimension. But he does not want to make it more complex, he wants to give distinctness to every single dimension. Every single dimension will have a distinction of its own. And he adds, we cannot derive a particular concept of a particular dimension using any other dimension. Every dimension is fundamental in its nature.