Check out my new Facebook page!

Since publishing my book, Living in a Quantum Reality, I finally decided to join the social media world. Okay, well one site anyway. Hope you can follow me on Facebook! And I could uses as many LIKES as possible, so feel free to let all your friends know about my Facebook page, as well as this site, if they would love to hear about energy, consciousness, health, and suggestions for practical living in this quantum reality!

Do You See Subtle Energy?

For those of you who see subtle energy, you may be wondering what exactly you are seeing. Here is a recent question I received and my response, shared with you who may have similar questions. I would love for you to message me on my Valerie Varan LPC Facebook page with your descriptions of how you see or experience subtle energy.

Q: Hi Valerie, I am rereading your book and am reading about imbalances of the third eye and one is detecting paranormal phenomena.  Is it an imbalance because of the vibration of the energy detected or where you are when you are able to detect it? I often detect things  and also see things all of the time floating around me.  The floating things are like sparkles, small circles and twisting strands of DNA.  It feels a bit other dimensional. Love to know your thoughts.-Miriam

A: I’m realizing by your question that some might think that I’m saying that if we see the paranormal, that it is imbalance in the third eye. What I was referring to by paranormal imbalances, was when people start freaking out about such psychic experiences, that kind of anxiety…

Thanks too for sharing what you see about the floating things. I too would like to get this conversation going about how people see what they see in other dimensions, because it differs across folks yet there are similarities. For example, my nephew describes it, then I text him a pic of the cover of Claude’s Life Force book and he exclaims that it is exactly how he sees all the time. I told him he might be seeing at the subatomic particle level. Who knows?! You too. Your description sounds like his and Claude’s pic. For me, I have the gestalt thing going on, where I can focus on seeing the materially hard things, or I can shift my eye focus and see what appears as the wave level of all things, where I see things as waves, shimmering and sparkling. Unfortunately in my case, when I see floaters, it is the gel of my eye deteriorating with age:(

Wouldn’t it be great to hear all the different ways people see??

Here is the link below to Claude’s cover pic:…/…/ref=pd_sim_14_1…

The Magnetic Soul


The soul is the magnetic core
at the center of your being,
that with the love that you are,
all that you need to be that love.

From your core,
allow yourself
to entangle
with the pulse of God,
where there is no distance
between you,
only the spaciousness
of love.

Firefly in the Cosmic Night

Holistic Life Coaching

stars over water 

How do I dissolve?
It is in letting go of the known,
to adventure into the unknown,
to be
beingness itself.
In choosing nothingness
there is All-ness.
It is the opposite of what the little mind believes,
thinking that in retaining,
power is.
But to “retain”
is to put a boundary on
what can be experienced.
And in imagining that boundary,
more gets left outside of self
than possibly could be held within.
A prison self becomes
until the bars,
shutting in heart and mind,
are lifted,
revealing lightness in the darkness.
Cosmic Night,
where trillions
of fireflies illuminate
its sky.
Piercing clarity.
Flashing on and off
in the cycles of time.
I am but a firefly
in the Cosmic Night.
And yet I AM
the Cosmic Night,
where there is at once
Lightness in the Darkness
and Darkness in the Light.

Varan, Valerie. “Firefly in the Cosmic Night.” 2015. Book “Living in a Quantum Reality”.

7 Part Series – Who Are We?


Announcing the 7 part series: Who Are We?


Contemplation 1: Who are we?


More of us are beginning to contemplate the truth behind who we are, as human beings, living on this planet Earth, this star of so much suffering. Why do we feel so different from others? Why are we surrounded by so much violence, when all we seek is love? Is there anything we can do to shift this atmosphere of fear, defensiveness, retaliation, and combativeness? Are we alone?

The world we imagine and hope for seems impossible when we look outside of ourselves. Perceiving what is out there, we see ourselves as small and insignificant compared to the vastness of our world, its anxious and angry people, and the planetary changes we watch helplessly unfold. But, when we peer closer to our inner world, the one in here, we discover the miraculous power that we wield.

For nearer to the truth of who we are, we are boundless energy, limitless and infinite, a nonlocal and holographic mind embedded within the nonlocal and holographic multi-verse, that is our home and source. This is the conception that we are challenged to embrace by our pioneering scientists who persevere in bringing us a more accurate picture of our place in this cosmos. And this is the conception that we will explore in this new series of posts called Who Are We? 

No longer can we delude ourselves with the notion that our universe was created randomly, as elegantly argued by researcher and professor Gary E. Schwartz. No longer are physicists at the edge using the word uni-verse. Instead, they are proposing multi-dimensional worlds, a multi-verse, filled with strings and notes, woven in and out of time and space. A tapestry of sound and consciousness creating the fabric of our world.

In jetting our mental conceptions from uni-verse to multi-verse, we may be on the brink of scientific detection for the way the Word, Divine thought and sound, was used to create our material planet by way of a grand symphony. And, it is as if this symphonic orchestra is itself an infinitely imbedded hologram. A multi-faceted jewel within jewel, forever projecting itself through diverse halls of mirrored sound and image, that we perceive as time and space. For in a hologram, the blueprint for the whole is reflected and imaged within each part. It is in this way that the many are created in the image of the One. Directing this harmony of sound and image is the Divine Composer. Indeed the Great Mystery, as Native Americans so aptly call the unified creative life force that permeates, synthesizes and orchestrates all of nature.

To my knowledge, it was physicist David Bohm who first described the universe as a hologram, while neuroscientist Karl Pibram confirmed that the human brain works as a holographic processor. According to Michael Talbot, author of the Holographic Universe, the 3-D projected image of Princess Leia in the film Star Wars was the holographic technology that inspired the holographic theory to explain the anomolies revealed in quantum physics and many psi phenomena.

As we continue to investigate the mysteries of ourselves, leading quantum physicists beg us to consider that each of us is a composer, whose consciousness or mind collides with the collective holographic Mind beyond time and space to create our physical world. Far from impotent, it seems we are powerful beyond our wildest of imaginings.  

First copyrighted 9/14/2010 by Valerie Varan.


Contemplation 2: The effect of the parts on the whole

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12 Part Series: The Nature of Being


waterdropsplashThis is a series entitled The Nature of Our Being. It is a spiritual psychology Q & A, with answers to 12 fundamental questions about the nature of our being.

Question 1: Who Am “I”?

I am a drop of consciousness emerging from an ocean of consciousness.

And yet I am the ocean of consciousness from which my atoms and cells themselves emerge as individualized drops of consciousness.

Drops within drops within drops, I am an infinite array of consciousness.

Hologram within hologram within hologram, I am conscious being, life and love itself.

Question 2: What is consciousness, simply put?

Consciousness as a whole is the entire ocean of all energy waves that have reached some damp sand or rocky shore.

Consciousness is the arrayed field of energy waves that whirl information into structured form.

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Long before the popular film “The Secret” instructed millions of viewers in the universal law of attraction, therapists and mystics alike spoke of the value in replacing negative thoughts with positive intentions. Intention meditation involves choosing a state of being to experience. It is a multidimensional alignment of your heart, mind and physical body with your soul. The higher states of consciousness that can be reached in this way are the states in which the universal law of attraction begins to operate, the states where mind meets matter, the states that are explained by the latest in quantum physics, energy medicine, humanistic and positive psychology research using phrases such as resonance, entanglement, torsion, energy healing, and yes, intention experiments.

How does setting intention work? Simply put, energy follows thought and feeling. The more focused the thought and feeling, the stronger and more coherent (when soul, heart, brain and nervous system are in-sync) the energy. From research conducted so far, it appears that since everything is energy, and energy is boundless, setting strong intentions within your energy field resonates with the fields of similar intentions throughout the universe. More specifically, the use of imagery and intention generates electrical and magnetic fields within your nervous system, which can spread through your body and beyond. The energy and water in our living matrix can resonate and be imprinted with the energetic vibrations underlying words, thoughts, and intention. Since the heart produces the strongest electrical and magnetic rhythms of any tissue in the body, and sends signals to the brain, coherent intentions formed with love and gratitude, are hundreds of times stronger than intentions formed from incoherent random thoughts.

Check out the research at and learn about heart and brain coherence, and what it means for your emotional, mental and physical wellness.

Call me today at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more.