Dr. Doug Matzke Interview on Quantum Mind, Part 1 of 2

In this video series interview Part 1-2, quantum engineer Doug Matzke addresses Valerie’s questions about his Quantum Mind Source Science Model, a scientific basis for the quantum mind, spiritual & non-ordinary experiences, spiritual light bodies, energy healing, even orbs, experiences of past or future, telepathy, mind-matter effects, and even Law of Attraction.

Energy Work and the Activation of Medical Intuition/Other Psychic Gifts: with Patrice Krysztofiak

Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC and her guest Patrice Krysztofiak discuss the spontaneous activation of psychic gifts (3/12/24). Patrice shares his story of how he first started seeing into people’s bodies after he began a meditation practice in 2019 to cope with severe depression. He talks about how he chose his various meditations, and how long he practiced, before receiving his first spontaneous perception of answers to medical questions. He describes when he first entered the Light, cures that have seemed miraculous, how he experiences his work with guides/higher beings, and even how “light language” spontaneously came to him. Gift activations he has witnessed include clairvoyance, channeling and healing others. Patrice believes that many are now remembering their gifts as part of the awakening process spiking in 2023 and continuing today. He encourages us all to be kind to ourselves, for love is the key. He reminds all energy workers to notice when they need atunement or further development, since it is easy for any of us to fall out of the higher pure love states that facilitate healing (though placebo effects are real effects). Finally, Patrice addresses how he sees our multidimensional reality, and how when we heal one plane or layer, it can have effects on the other planes as well. To learn more about Patrice Krysztofiak, you can visit his energy work website at https://www.patricekrysztofiak.com. To learn more about Valerie Varan, quantum psychology, and/or the holistic life coaching she offers, visit www.ValerieVaran.com.

Quantum Psychology: 7 Faces of the Quantum Self

Here is a very brief look at 7 faces of the quantum self. Of course the quantum self is limitless, but these are the facets through which most of us can categorize our experience. 1. Physical-Instinctual Consciousness This is the center of consciousness most related to the physical body, its instinctual default programming, and its motivating force that leads us to seek out safety, security and self preservation. 2. Emotional-Relational Consciousness This sphere brings us our awareness of being in relationship with another person, a color, an idea…anything at all. Emotion is the vibrational response of that focused awareness; it is a biofeedback measure of what is like us or not like us. From here arise fears and desires, attractions and repulsions, and empathy/lower psychic senses. The desire to be in relationship, and to procreate are motivated from this layer of consciousness. 3. Mental Consciousness From here comes our linear/analytical thought, all that mental chatter, and the desire to achieve and develop our personal power. 4. Loving-Intuitive Consciousness Within this state of consciousness, we think like a “we”, are motivated by unconditional unselfish love, and find ourselves to be more intuitive. 5. Higher Creative Consciousness Our power coming from higher love, we find that we are motivated to create for the larger good. 6. Visionary Consciousness Having tapped into a loving desire to help others, we find ourselves intuiting ideas for things that have never been done before. 7. Transcendent-Oneness Consciousness Through this portal, our higher sense of self connects with our lower bodies.In this state we sense our oneness and interconnection with all that is visible and invisible.